Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ok, so it took me a little bit longer than the typical student, but I FINISHED !!!!!!!  I can now take it off my "Bucket List"  I didn't "walk" Graduation as I was too cheap to pay for all the stuff and what a long day that would have been, not to mention it was on Mother's Day.  But hey, I have the piece of paper and I proved to myself that I could do it......and all before Tristen started Kindergarten.
Here's a picture at the party....Bo set up a nice party at Olive Garden in our own special room where we had the best time and were all to ourselves.  It was great.  Now, could the kids be any happier ?????  Granted they had just been told to stop putting their fingers in the icing.  
Now earlier in the morning Tristen had his Baseball game.  Here is Tristen in action.  He was playing "pitcher" and did a great job !
This was the picture prior to the one above...see the anticipation ???
What a cutie.  He had a great hit and this is him on First Base.  Go Rockhounds !!!!!  I have to tell you that it was nice being a spectator this year instead of coaching.   We'll keep you posted on how the season goes, but I would say that these Rockhounds are going to be a tough team to beat.  

Tristen had a family day at the Zoo with his school.  Mom wasn't allowed to go per Tristen as I had too much work to do and my boss probably wouldn't let me go....So, I stayed back and Brian took the kids to the Zoo for Our Lady of Grace Day.  Jenneth is standing in front of the Dolphin tanks, but you can't see them.  
This was one of Tristen's favorite.  The Walrus.  They were really active the day they went so it couldn't have been better.  
Now, I just had to share this picture with everyone as this is what happens when Grampa is left in charge of all the kids.  Let's see.....Grampa and Tristen are eating peanuts and Diet on the couch that no food and beverage are allowed on.  The girls are sitting eating cookies (note, dinner had not been eaten yet)  And of all the things that they were watching ?????          Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.  All four of them didn't take their eyes of the T.V.    Actually it is pretty impressive that he got the three of them to sit that quiet for that long....If he's not careful he'll have to babysit !!!!