Monday, June 15, 2009

Well, I have to stay that June has started off with a bang!!!!  Brian secretly planned our 11th Anniversary.  I thought we were going to dinner.......but oh no.  First we dropped of the kids at my sisters house and then I thought we were headed to The Melting Pot, but Brian had reservations at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse.  (That's us below at dinner with the wine cellar behind us) So then I was totally surprised and EXCITED when Brian presents me with tickets to Wicked, that was beyond awesome!  From there we were headed to find a place for dessert as Brian arranged for the kids to stay at my sisters for the night.  Now at 11:00pm there isn't much open for dessert, so we had a very romantic Flurry and Diet Coke at McDonald's.  Hey, I am not complaining.  What an awesome night and THANK YOU BRIAN !!!!!

Now this was the next day and Jenneth must have had a great time at Molly's house as she fell asleep in the playroom holding the PowerRangers car in one hand and Bobo in the other....

This was a great idea that David had...Mounds State Park.  We just went this past weekend for an afternoon and had a great time.  

Ok, so I know that Mother's are a little partial, but is this not the cutest picture ever ????

So what you didn't hear was the girls being told to stop pounding on the glass as they were telling the turtles to swim.  I don't know if the turtles will ever be the same.

This was a cool Children's Sensory Garden that the kids loved.  

What a cutie.....

The Captain of the ship....Tristen and poor Molly looking to jump off board and Jenneth pointing to the sites as they pass them.  I think Molly climbed in and out of the boat at least 20 times.  Stay tuned as we are headed into some good times as the summer rolls on.  

Monday, June 1, 2009

Well, as everyone knows, May is Indy 500 here.  As we do every year, we went to the Indy 500 Parade.  The kids had a great time.  Of course as it is every year, it was the hottest day thus far.

This picture is for Uncle Donald.  This is the IPD Motorcycle Team that Tristen wanted to make sure that Uncle Donald saw.  Careful....when he sees you he said he wants you to try some of the tricks that they were doing.  Just start practicing standing on your bike, while it is moving and you should be good.

Here is Tristen with the Mr. Potato Head Fireman float...

Tristen thought this was the coolest float as it was a "race car driver"

This was Jenneth.  Now the funny thing here is that this is the only time that she clapped and stood still.  Now for what she was clapping for...............The people shoveling up the poop from the horses that had just went by.  I guess there is something for everyone at the parade !!!

Of course Spongebob and one of the Backyardigans.

Tristen and Spongebob.

Jenneth not too excited that Super Grover is behind her.

This is Tristen and Jenneth prior to the start of the parade....before we all got hot and sweaty, but really a good time.

Well, let's see what has been going on at the Moore's.....Star Wars is loved by all.  This is a Storm Trooper Helmet that Tristen got from Uncle Donald, and now Jenneth thinks she is so funny when she puts it on and yells.  She thinks she's scaring you.  Not that she has any clue who it is, but Tristen puts it on and chases me, so it must be cool !!!
Tristen had his Spring Program at school.  Jenneth's favorite part was the reception afterwards.  Now is she her Mother's Daughter or what......goes right for the icing, forget the cookie.

Here is Tristen at his program.  I couldn't get a good picture with the lighting in the Church, so this is the best picture that I had.  He was so excited and made sure that everyone was watching him and Grampa did a good job at continually waving as Tristen would look out at the crowd for us.