This is a picture that I forgot to share on the last post. This was at Kings Island. Tristen and I went on this ride...oh about 5 or more times. So long story short is that we figured out where the camera was and made out best face !!!
Well for those that know me....God for bid I stay home on a long weekend. Brian had to work all weekend, so I decided to pack up the kids for Labor Day Weekend and head to Cincinnati with my Sister and her gang. We had a great time and below are some of our highlights.
Tristen and I at the end of our long day at the Cincinnati Zoo. Hoisting Tristen up on the big Rhino was a task. My sister thought for sure that he was going to go right off on the other side. No problems whatsoever.
Now these two little stinkpots !!!! We tried to get them to take a nap several, several, several times and they fought HARD not to fall asleep. My sister and I finally decide that they win and we'll go. As we are walking towards the gate to leave............yup, they both go outcold !!!! I am beginning to think they conspire against us, and the said thing is that they won. God help us when they get older and smarter as close cousins.
Now this crazy one asks me to take his picture with his mouth in the Croc. What you don't see is that his first attempt was facing the inside of the crocs throat and I couldn't see anything but the back of his head.
Here are my two lovely children on the train and Tristen is saying through his teeth "Mom, can you please just take the picture !!!!" Those of you how have children, know that they never look at you at the same time.
Here's the whole gang on the train at the Cincinnati Zoo.
Here's us in front of the elephant area. They were waiting for breakfast and their morning bath, so that's as close as they would get.
So, let me just set the stage for this one. We have this really nice suite where Tristen has his own Queen pull out sleeper sofa, with a tv, in his own little room. Jenneth and I have this nice King size bed. See that little space to the left of the kids............yup that is where I slept. What kids sleep sideways???????? Apparently both of mine !
For those of you who travel with Jenneth at a hotel, unplug the phone. This is Jenneth calling Nana (with two phones) to tell her about the swimming pool.
Here is Tristen irritated with me for taking his picutre on the bridge that we walked. This is the one that you can walk over and on one side is Kentucky and the other is Ohio.
Here is a great restaurant that Dave suggested. It was the Brofhaus (spelling) A great German Restaurant where the kids could be as loud as they wanted to. They encouraged dancing....which of course we were the only ones in the restaurant that did.
The three of us at the German Restaurant....
I so wish I could have scanned this bigger, but hopefully you can see. This is all of us at the Newport Aquarium. The guy told us to pretend as if we were scared and only Tristen, Shannon, and I played along. Party Poopers !!!
Here's Jenneth and Molly on the counter by the Shark Tank.
Another shot of two fantastic looking girls as they were watching the penguins.
Tristen at the Shark Touch area. Jenneth wanted absolutely nothing to do with it and Tristen wasn't the most excited, but he did touch one of the Sharks.
Just my handsome boy .....
This is the three of us in the tunnel under the shark tent. Thank God for my sister by the way....she was so good at making sure that there were pictures of the three of us.
Happy Birthday Brian !!!! Brian's Mom came from Wyoming to help celebrate Brian's 35th Birthday. He had a golf bag cake from his favorite bakery. We had a Luau themed party with a Pinata and all.
This is the after pinata action. Do you like Tristen's little pile in front of him? He's just a little bit quicker than the girls.
Here's Brian hitting the Pinata. Is she a hottie or what???
And here is Brian, Katie, and myself on his actual Birthday dinner. We tried to go to Bongie's for dinner but they were completely full by 6:15pm. Poor Brian and Katie, they had their bottles of wine and snacks and were all ready to tailgate. Next time. So are you ready for where we ended up??????? Oh yeah, Red Lobster in Anderson. It was really good I have to say.