Friday, July 8, 2011

Summer Summer Summer

4th of July !!! Tristen showing his talents at Cornhole..

Jenneth on the other hand took a more relaxing approach to July 4th.....
Here's my little patriotic family. We are getting things all set up in the back for the great cookout !!!

Happy Birthday Mary Alice !!!! Brian had Chef at the Club make me the AWESOME Red Velvet cake !!!
So Jenneth and I have spent the summer cruising from one ballpark to the next. Here's my little girl...doesn't she look cute?
This was a tournament in Fishers and Tristen was able to call "Heads or Tails" and then had to shake hands with the umpire and other team. It is a great idea that they show the kids good sportsmanship at this age.
Tristen's been catching a lot for the Heat Team this year and is learning quite a bit. We'll have to get Grampa out there to give him some pointers !! Maybe the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.
If he continues to catch...we'll have to get him some of those knees stoppers. Don't want to have Grampa's knees....just the talent.
Tristen has been doing great at the bat this year...this was a triple that he hit right over the left fielders head.
We were really lucky this year and had the best in house baseball team you could ask for. We had an end of season pool party at the Coaches house and I don't know that I've seen a group of 7 year olds so attentive and ready for their trophies !
Do you see a trend with Jenneth?? As the boys are getting their trophies Jenneth decides she'll just lounge in the pool.
As the Pirates for the last time cheer..."Do your best, Do what's right, and never Quit."
The 2011 Noblesville Pirates !!!
Jenneth had a great year at T-Ball but did not get to play as much as she would have liked. They seemed to always be cancelled due to rain the night before. That is what happens when you are the first game of the day. I tend to think she has more of a golf swing, but that's not such a bad thing either.
She is READY !!!!
Can you say she looks just a little bit like "Chicken Little" ?????
Oh yah...look at that determination!
There she goes, rounding second....
Home at last.
Here are my two players with their trophies. I have to tell you that this was Jenneth's first trophy and when she got that trophy and saw that it had her name on it she smiled from ear to ear. She showed that trophy to anyone that came to the house, all the neighbors...anyone that would look. And you know what??? That is how it should be.
These are a few pictures from Myrtle Beach that I didn't realize I hadn't put on the blog yet. On our second night of putt putt we found this really cool place and we had the best time.

You got to take this little mining train to the first hole and then putt your way down.
Here we are at Dirty Dick's Crab House. Great Crab Dip !!!
The Girls at their pool...
Nana and Grampa lounging pool side. We must say that Myrtle Beach was a great trip and hopefully we'll make it back next year.