Saturday, July 4, 2009

Well, July started off with a bang with....Mary Alice's Birthday !!!  The plan was to have this great picnic dinner at Symphony on the Prairie for the 4th of July concert and fireworks.  Unfortunately it rained all afternoon and evening so plan B.....Dave & Busters.  We had the best time. 

Here you see Jenneth looking over as Brian and I say "oh my gosh Jenneth, you just won the Jackpot!!  364 tickets.  Breanna is watching them come down and Jenneth looking like huh???  The thing that you missed was after we explained that she had just won all these tickets, she looks up and see's the large hanging Bear and says "mine"  Do they really get that at that age???  Sorry, but the Bear was 8900 tickets.
I'm crabby right now as Grampa was holding me cause' I just got in trouble for sticking my fork into the cake before Mom got to cut into it.

 Nana let me play with the car, but for those of you who know her.....God knows she wasn't giving me any quarters to make it work.  As she used to tell my Mom, "I'd rather throw them down the toilet."  Not to worry, I'll work Grampa later !!!!
This was Jenneth's favorite, Spongebob !!!
Nana, Grampa, and two of their girls.  Molly was busy dancing to the music and couldn't be bothered for photos.

So, they finally got Molly to stop dancing and she wasn't happy about it .

This is MA and Breanna after 3 rounds of DDR.  Breanna was totally schooled by her Aunt....I guess all that wii practice pays off.
This is my new best friend.....Cousin Breanna.  She came all the way from Baton Rouge to hang out with me for a week.  She holds me all the time, gives me fruit snacks for breakfast, lets me sip her Diet, sneaks me cookies even though Mom says no, and holds me during naps on the couch.  She can stay !!!!!

Ok, had to add this picture.  Is it not the cutest?  Brian and his two baby girls !!!

Well, for those of you who knew that I took the kids to meet the Gurzynski's in Sikeston, MO to swap Tristen for Breanna, here is the gang at Lambert's.  After a two hour wait in the Southern heat, we had a great meal.

Here's the gang at the hotel pool.  Meg is behind Tristen hiding....she's so sneaky.
Donald, Jenneth, Breanna, and Will at the hotel pool.

So for Father's Day we had a picnic at Nana and Grampa's house.  Nana had the pool out for the kids and this is the girls emptying the pool....why are we emptying the pool?????  Oh yeah, that is because the girls decided that once they got dried and dressed that they would go for another swim.......
The girls in all their glory at their pool.

This is the cool fort thing that Nana got and I think the kids ran up and down it a zillion times.

Ok, so for Father's Day Brian wanted to go golfing.  We couldn't get out on the course so I thought I would take him to the next best thing.  Putt Putt !!!  Here is the group prior to our round.

Here's how it pretty much went....Jenneth would take Tristen's ball after he hit it, bring it back to the front, or throw it in the water.  This is Tristen chasing Jenneth down...quite funny.

Jenneth chose to play her ball from the rocks instead of taking the penalty shots.  And no, I'm not kidding, she hit it out of the rocks and then threw a couple rocks just for fun.

When you have a bad shot, some throw their clubs, some say a few choice words, or maybe even just hit another ball as a "mulligan"  Not Jenneth, she just laid down on the course.  

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