Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Well for Easter we went to Garrison's for Brunch and then took some pictures outside afterwards.  Believe it or not, all three kids (and us adults) were still clean !!!

Ok, so Tristen was doing these impressions and Molly thought he was too funny and as you can tell, his Sister did not think they were funny at all.

I am telling you that Jenneth is definitely my daughter.  See how she is casually looking into Molly's Easter Bag while she isn't looking.  Her purse in her hand ready to snatch the chocolate for herself.

Brian had to work Easter Brunch at the Club so the three of us hung out on Easter.  

If this picture had volume you would need to cover your ears. Jenneth turned her head to see what was behind her and then you hear this loud SCREAM.  Not a big fan of the Easter Bunny.  He shouldn't feel too bad as Santa Claus got the same reaction.  

Tristen on the other hand was smart enough to know that this Easter Bunny had plastic eggs filled with Candy, so he was more than happy to pose for a picture.

Jenneth and BoBo roaming the park

So we had a surprise (kinda) party for Mom's Birthday.  We ordered Rathskeller (German Restaurant) to go and set the whole thing up ready to go for Mom.  German, one of her favorites.  We've decided that it is now easier to bring the Restaurant to the house and let the kids run and play while we eat.  All of us are much much happier.  I mean a $25.00 meal tastes great on paper plates, as that is one of the rules.  No Dishes !!!  The girls were more interested in balloons and who got which one.

So here is the table with the girls ready to go.  Actually I had decorated the table with M&M's so dinner was out the window for the girls.  

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Here is our last night on the beach and of course it was just gorgeous.  We took some family pictures, like a little photo shoot.  

Of course when they were playing on the beach during the day could we have made such a perfect Sand Castle?????  They are all dressed up and there it it.  By the way...after the picture, Jenneth made sure that no one else could take a picture with the sand castle.

Seriously Mom !!!!  How many more pictures??  The sun is right in our eyes.

What a couple !!!!

If you ask me, that is the best looking family on the beach.  

Sunday, April 5, 2009

This was our last day that we had on the beach (and our second) as the weather just didn't cooperate.  I think they had like some 10 inches of rain.  We spent about 6 hours on the beach this day to get it all in.  The water was double red flag so the kids couldn't go in the water, but many a sand castles were built. 

Here lies Tristen who asked to be buried in the sand and covered up with Monster Trucks.  He thought it was the coolest thing.  Of course he kept laughing and cracking the mold that we had to keep covering him up for the picture.  Needless to say that when he took his duck tub that night he had sand in places that he didn't even know that he had.
I know I am crazy putting my picture in a bathing suit on this site, but as you can tell, I am the one that usually takes all the pictures and I had to ask Brian to please take Jenneth and I on the beach so that I would have a picture.  You probably thought I didn't even go on this vacation...

This is Miss Snacks herself.  The pool was warm, but the wind was really cool.  Jenneth spent her time at the pool today having snacks !  All she really needed was a pool boy to refresh her juice cup. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

This was at The Treasure Ship Restuarant.  We were the ONLY table in the entire
restaurant.  It turned out to be a great option as the kids could play swords, walk around
a bit and not bother any other groups.  The Pirate was really cool and made all 
the kids swords and Jenneth a little Turtle.  Jenneth cried and told the NO !!!
Tristen thought the Pirate looked like Cha Cha (Uncle John)  Let's just not talk 
about the $5.95 Pirate cup the kids just had to have with their drinks !!!!

The Moore's took a day and went to Destin as it was raining all day and thought
we'd check it out.  This is on Destin Beach outside of Pompano Joe's.  We had some
great Seafood Nachos (shrimp, scallops, and fish) and Grilled Amberjack.  
The wind was blowing so hard that the sand hurt out legs.  It reminded me of the dunes 
in Michigan.
This is a terrible picture of the 4 of us at lunch in Pompano Joe's
The view from our balcony
Mr. Cool at Pineapple Willy's

Tristen, Jackie, and Kenzie with their "shades" on at Pineapple Willy's

I was bound and determined to eat on the beach one night so we did at
Pineapple Willy's and froze our fannies off.  But I got to eat on the beach !!! 
(I know...I sound like my mother)
Granted the group hasn't let me choose any other restaurants since.

Don't worry, she wasn't our Designated Driver !!!!
The sunset as it went down over the water.  Quite Beautiful.

Sandy and Jenneth played on the edge of the pool.

Tristen on the other hand was pretty much a prune by the end of each day.

We couldn't get Jenneth to wear floaties for anything while she was in the pool,
but on the deck of the pool, she would just sit there.

And of course she had snacks a plenty as she has Cheeto's face in this one.

Well another day at Panama City Beach.  This night we had
dinner at Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville and literally closed it down.
Not sure if your children should know what "last call" is when
the band calls it out....

The band was great and we danced till the very last song.
The kids asked if we could come back the last night as this was the 
"best restaurant ever!!!!!"  The band really was quite good.
Brian and Jenneth just hanging out at Buffet's
Jenneth was not in the mood to get a hug from Brother and for us
to take her picture.

If Jenneth had her choice she would have slept on the balcony.  She loved watching the 
Ocean and everyone walking and playing on the beach.
This is the reaction that we get everytime we tell her that it is time to 
come inside.  As you know her famous Nnnnnnnnnnnnnoo !!!!
We had to literally peel her hands and fingers from the bars.
Ok, so we travel with all kinds of toys and her new game is she gets all the
remotes, puts them in the stroller bottom, climbs in, and then pokes them out the side.
She does this over and over every day.
Here is day one on Panama City Beach.  It was a bit chilly as the wind
was really really blowing, but we were at the Beach so the we were
going to enjoy it regardless.
Tristen had a good time burying himself in the sand.  
Over and Over, and Over......

Jenneth and Brian sat and watched Tristen
and I play in the sand while they had beverages.
Brian was having Rum and Coke and Jenneth something
a little less potent !  V8 Fusion Juice.
Now is that a look for the beach or what ???
Tristen and Mackenzie were the only brave soles that went
in the ocean on the first day.  Needless to say they were crazy and  when
we asked them if they were cold and wanted to get out (as they were 
shivering) they were determined to swim until we made them
come out.