Wednesday, April 1, 2009

This was at The Treasure Ship Restuarant.  We were the ONLY table in the entire
restaurant.  It turned out to be a great option as the kids could play swords, walk around
a bit and not bother any other groups.  The Pirate was really cool and made all 
the kids swords and Jenneth a little Turtle.  Jenneth cried and told the NO !!!
Tristen thought the Pirate looked like Cha Cha (Uncle John)  Let's just not talk 
about the $5.95 Pirate cup the kids just had to have with their drinks !!!!

The Moore's took a day and went to Destin as it was raining all day and thought
we'd check it out.  This is on Destin Beach outside of Pompano Joe's.  We had some
great Seafood Nachos (shrimp, scallops, and fish) and Grilled Amberjack.  
The wind was blowing so hard that the sand hurt out legs.  It reminded me of the dunes 
in Michigan.
This is a terrible picture of the 4 of us at lunch in Pompano Joe's

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