Sunday, April 5, 2009

This was our last day that we had on the beach (and our second) as the weather just didn't cooperate.  I think they had like some 10 inches of rain.  We spent about 6 hours on the beach this day to get it all in.  The water was double red flag so the kids couldn't go in the water, but many a sand castles were built. 

Here lies Tristen who asked to be buried in the sand and covered up with Monster Trucks.  He thought it was the coolest thing.  Of course he kept laughing and cracking the mold that we had to keep covering him up for the picture.  Needless to say that when he took his duck tub that night he had sand in places that he didn't even know that he had.
I know I am crazy putting my picture in a bathing suit on this site, but as you can tell, I am the one that usually takes all the pictures and I had to ask Brian to please take Jenneth and I on the beach so that I would have a picture.  You probably thought I didn't even go on this vacation...

This is Miss Snacks herself.  The pool was warm, but the wind was really cool.  Jenneth spent her time at the pool today having snacks !  All she really needed was a pool boy to refresh her juice cup. 

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