Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Happy Birthday to ME !!!  Happy Birthday to ME !!!  This year I decided to go bowling for my Birthday and had a great time.  We won't mention that Brian cheated to win by 3 pins.....It was my Birthday, you would think the guy would throw the game????

 Pizza !!!  If you are ever at one of our can count on Cake and Food.

 Grampa and his littlest girl...Poor Nana took all the pictures so she didn't make it in any.

 You would be amazed how many people it takes to help one person bowl.

Now let's stop to talk about this one for a minute.....Let's just say that Brian slipped on some water that was on the floor and landed on top of the ball.  He ended up cracking a rib and is still in pain.  Tristen asked to go bowling for his Birthday and Brian said. "NO"  I have banned bowling.  Poor Guy !!!

 So how cool is this right ??????  I bought myself this cool bike attachment for my Birthday.  Jenneth absolutely loves it and so do I.  Much better than the big carrier that I used to have.  Not so sure I have a lot of help with the pedaling, but I am sure we will get there.

2nd Grade Champions !!!  We only had one loss this year.  What a great team !!

Here are the boys with their Dads.

The Mom's tried to do something fun for our picture...but this is all that we got.

The boys wanted to dump the cooler of water on the coaches but weren't able to pick it up...No Worries, Mr. Moore was there to save the day.  Yup, that's my hubby !!!

There's our 3rd baseman.  Look at the concentration !!!

This summer we went to one of the concerts at Dillion Park here in Noblesville.  It was pretty much a time for the kids to run around and for the adults to enjoy talking while indulging in "adult" beverages.

The poor kids couldn't handle the the had this cool little tent.

Look, Brian and I at the same event at night !!!!  Poor guy has missed a lot this summer with the new Beach Club opening.

Well, this is what we have been doing for the last month....Tournament Baseball.  This is only half the crew.  We usually have 6-7 tents.  This past weekend was brutal as we had a triple header on Saturday when the temperature was 105 degrees !!!!

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