Friday, March 30, 2012

Legoland Florida

This is a perfect park for kids ages 4-12. Jenneth was just tall enough to ride the majority of the rides and Tristen was still interested. This is a park we would recommend and we are glad we took the day to do it.

I could have added a billion pictures of all the AWESOME Lego creatures and such...

Molly...we found the ultimate Carousel for you. Double Decker !!!
This was Jenneth's favorite ride and it was a twist on the old carnival ride where all cars are connected and they go up and down and in a circle. Too big a me !!!! She wanted to ride it a third time, but we couldn't do it.
Not sure who or what this Princess is, but Jenneth wanted her picture, so we took it.
Just one of those fun pictures.

This is the jousting ride that took FOREVER !!!!! But Jenneth liked it and Tristen humored her.

I just had to take this picture. Before they lowered the bar, they had everyone raise their hands and Brian couldn't see a thing. It really was quite funny.
And here are the boys up in the air....
This was a ride that I am not sure I would do again. It was a Test Track/Roller Coaster...and when you are way up high and taking these tight quick turns on those little circle tracks.....Yikes.
A great thing at Legoland. Each ride has an area of Lego tables for the kids to play with while the parents wait in line.
Oops, out of order. Here are the boys in that Test Track ride.
This is Boating School. Once you are out in the water you are truly driving this boat on your end. I rode with Jenneth and for the majority of the ride we were going backwards and doing bumper boats with other boats (not what you are supposed to do) I tried to help but got the "I can do it on my own !!!!!!"
This is the COOLEST ride ever !!! You are on these Jetski things that just go in a circle. What you do is pull your pod back and forth and when you go around the turn your wheel really hard and then it whips you out and feels that you are hitting waves. Jenneth went on this one with me and we only got to do two "whips" and then she was having no more of that.
There were 2 Ford driving schools. Here is Jenneth in hers.
Tristen's was just a bit more where they had an entire mock streets set up with Lights, Stop Signs, etc...It really was pretty cool.
This was the wooden roller coaster and Tristen and I sat in the front. It was Great !!!
Oh yeah...Hands up the whole way.
I should note that Tristen has come to love parent swap. He gets to ride the ones that Jenneth doesn't, twice. Here are the boys, and they got to ride in the back.
Here they are on the way back and they look pretty happy !!

Our child photographer is not so good, but here are Brian and I on the lounge chairs at the pool at night.
Here are the kids doing a little night swimming.

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